WordPress Basics - getting started.

A Beginner’s Guide to WordPress: Getting Started with the Basics

Welcome to your first step in the world of WordPress! In this article, we will provide you with a quick overview of WordPress, focusing on a basic installation without diving into plugins or advanced features. If you are already familiar with WordPress, you may find this information redundant, but if you’re new to WordPress, this will serve as your foundational guide to navigating the WordPress ecosystem.

Accessing WordPress

When you set up WordPress, most hosting companies offer a simple one-click installation process. Once installed, you can access the administrative backend. As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, the latest version is 6.1.1. After logging in, you’ll encounter a user-friendly interface.

User Roles

WordPress comes with predefined user roles, each with varying levels of access:
– Administrator
– Editor
– Author
– Contributor
– Subscriber

These roles determine what actions users can perform on your website. Administrators have the most access, while Subscribers have the least.

The Dashboard

Upon logging in, you’ll see the WordPress dashboard, which provides an overview of your site’s activities. You can customize this dashboard by enabling or disabling widgets to suit your preferences.


Under the Settings menu, you can configure various aspects of your WordPress site.

Site Title and Tagline

These are essential for SEO purposes. Make sure to set a meaningful site title and tagline to enhance your site’s search engine visibility.


Select your website’s timezone to ensure that timestamps and scheduling functions work correctly.


Here, you can configure settings related to how your site’s content is displayed. You can also choose to discourage search engines from indexing your site, useful when your website is still in development.

By default, WordPress uses a URL structure that includes parameters. It’s recommended to change this to the \”Post Name\” structure for better SEO and user-friendliness.

Media Settings

WordPress automatically creates three sizes for each uploaded image and organizes them by month and year. Depending on your needs, you can choose to keep this default setup or use plugins to manage your media assets differently.

Content Types

WordPress includes three default content types: Posts, Media, and Pages.


Posts are typically used for blogging and are a fundamental content type.


Media encompasses all your uploaded images, videos, and other media assets.


Pages are used for static content, such as your homepage, about us, and services pages.

Customization beyond these defaults can be done by creating custom post types based on your specific requirements. For instance, if you need a portfolio for your work or photography collection, you can create a custom post type to accommodate those needs.


WordPress is a versatile platform that can adapt to various content types and user roles. As a beginner, it’s crucial to understand the basics of user roles, settings, and content types to effectively manage your WordPress site. In future articles, we will delve deeper into customization and advanced features, so stay tuned for more WordPress insights!

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